There’s three different type of people out there today:
Person #1 – You’re so excited it’s Wednesday, you’re like the camel on that “Hump Day” commercial.
Person #2 – You’re coasting today.
Person #3 – Today has pretty much been the worst day ever.
For everyone, no matter how good or bad today is going, here’s three things you can do to change your day for the better:
1. Call someone you know who’s hurting.
We all know someone who’s lost someone, is battling cancer, or has just been having a rough go of it. The bible asks us to celebrate with our friends, but also to grieve with them (Romans 12:15-16). The presence of their pain will help provide a better perspective of yours.
2. Take a moment and tell the people who you love deeply why you love them.
We say “I love you” a lot around our home, but those intentional conversations to stop and say “I love you because…” matter. You know who they matter to? You. They matter to you because they force you to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about the people that you love. Those conversations encourage them, but they also refocus us on why we love them and should leave us feeling thankful that they’re in our lives.
3. Identify one thing that’s robbing you of Jesus.
It might be something as simple as checking Instagram at stoplights, which robs your commute of the ability to have a conversation with Jesus. It might be that you’re too focused on people and forget to talk to Jesus altogether. It might be that you’ve neglected the Scriptures, and you know you can find Jesus in them. Find that one thing, go after it, and let Jesus be greater in your life today.
The quickest way to joy is to empty your life of yourself: “Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled… He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:29-30 NKJV)
Leave a comment below and let know what you’re doing today to have less of yourself and more of Jesus in your life: