Saturday Selections is a chance for me to share some of the most relevant news stores that grabbed my attention this past week. As a follower of Jesus we’re called to be informed about the world we live in, so that we can center our lives on a Savior that is not of this world.
I found this article extremely helpful. Give it a look and see if you’ve ever caught yourself doing the things listed on here to seek the approval of others: [Click Here To Read The Article]
This blog is by one of my favorite writers, Donald Miller. This is really a great perspective and I share the same trajectory of thought about self-promotion. It’s really worth the few seconds it’ll take to read: [Click Here To Read The Article]
This article lists five reasons the average American is broke. I love it because we address all of these things through Financial Peace at Vortex Church. If you’ve been struggling financially, just know that there’s a way out of the mess! Send me an email and I’ll hook you up with the next time we’re doing Financial Peace! [Click Here To Read The Article]
What did I miss this week?