I totally love roast beef sandwiches with cheddar cheese on some wheat bread.
I am diggin’ on the new Generation Unleashed worship CD.
I’m feeling refreshed after a very productive day out of the office.
I love how clean my carpets are. I’m kind of a neat freak.
I’m planting new shrubs with my father this Friday in front of my house, a very ambitious undertaking.
I’m trying to plan our summer vacation and it just isn’t falling together easily.
I like Led Zeppelin.
I enjoy coffee way too much, especially espresso made on the stove-top.
I’m kinda tired of guessing how cold or hot it’s gonna be each day. I want to wear shorts and flip-flops with confidence.
I have a tooth that hurts all the time. I need to get that looked into.
This weekend, we’re doing a drama at church that should be amazing and emotional and I have to sing all the way through it. I’m afraid I might cry.
My parents are amazing. My mom came to visit this past Sunday. Some blessings can never be over-stated.
I started eating Peanut M&Ms the other day, after I committed to not eat any sweets for three months. I had to get back on the wagon … it was a difficult climb.
I love the TV Show “House”. House is a jerk, a horrible boss, an addict, a manipulator, a pervert, an atheist, and everything else that’s bad in the world except … he’s got remarkable conviction. I wish I operated with that kind of conviction in Jesus.
I love sunny days with no clouds in the sky … the sun makes everything feel ok.
I love it when my wife gets home … how she still has to kiss me first, even if she has to pee really bad.
I love it how, in small ways everyday, I’m reminded that Jesus is all I really need.