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What You Think You Need

Writer's picture: Kevin SimmonsKevin Simmons

“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Luke 11:1

In response to that question, Jesus taught his disciples using a model prayer. That prayer has been referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer”. During this prayer, Jesus models a progression of perspectives that could and should change the way we pray today.

In verse 3, after Jesus has instructed His disciples to start with focusing on God as their source and laying down their will, He prays, “Give us our daily bread.”

Isn’t it good to know that God has invited us to ask for what we need?

Later, as Jesus continues to teach, He parallels God’s response to us to that of a father responding to his kids. If my kids ask for food, I typically try to find them something to eat. If my kids ask for a hug, I don’t withhold it. If my kids want to pray with me, I never say, “No.”

What have you refused to pray for because you already said no for God?

Maybe you’re the mom who sees a need in the character of your child, but you’ve resisted asking God to give it because it’s always been a part of your family. Maybe you’re the business owner who needs to his business to grow so that you can hire someone to help you so that you can spend more time with your family, but you’ve felt selfish in praying for further financial success.

Maybe God wants to say, “Yes.”

Isn’t it amazing to know that God invites us to ask for the things we think we need? Because let’s be honest about this, we don’t always know what we need. Some of us think we need things that are simply wanted. Even though we miss it, He still wants to talk to us about it!

So… “do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

Here’s one simple caution: Don’t assume that God is obligated to do what you ask simply because you’ve prayed about it.

God can never answer a prayer that is outside of His will, both as it’s revealed in the Scriptures for you and as the Holy Spirit desires to lead you.

He’s not under your authority, you are under His.

Sometimes my kids will ask RIGHT AFTER dinner for MORE FOOD!!! I know that they do not need it, it’s just a want, and if I fulfilled their request it would be unhealthy for them.

In that same way, God will lovingly say “No” when a “Yes” would hurt.

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What’s something you’ve said “No” to God for that you need to start seeking God to do in your life?



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