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Why You Want To Change Right Now

Writer's picture: Kevin SimmonsKevin Simmons


We’re right in the middle of a two-week series at Vortex called “Forget You” looking at a very simple, yet profound verse in the Gospel of John that describes a life that is really abandoned to Jesus.

“He needs to become greater; I must become less.” John 3:30 (NIV)

That verse says something most of us don’t like: SOMETHING’S GOT TO CHANGE!

There’s too much of me and not enough of Jesus in my life right now, and if things are going to change, well then, things need to change!

Can I tell you something that could change your perspective: It’s all going to change anyway.

The real question is:

Will you change because you choose to?

Or will you change because you’re forced to change?

This Sunday we’re going to look at what it really means to embrace the change of a life that says “I want more of Jesus”!

I hope you’ll make plans to join us for the last week of FORGET YOU at Vortex Church. We meet at Eastgate Cinemas in Albemarle, NC at 10am on Sunday mornings.

Between now and then, let’s prepare our hearts to embrace a life embraces more of Jesus and less of ourselves.


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